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My own journey of self-healing has profoundly shaped the foundation of my work. I have explored numerous modalities across the expansive fields of integrative human health and well-being. Those that have significantly contributed to my personal growth and exist within my scope of practice are now part of what I offer to clients and teach to students. I believe the most meaningful methods of self-healing are those that emphasize an integrative approach—focusing on physical tissues, the subtle energetic body, and the emotional narratives incorporated within.


I have benefitted from a variety of Western and Eastern techniques - both ancient and modern - and the work I now do is a synthesis of these. I have chosen to study and obtain licensure and certifications in the modalities that have had the greatest influence on my own life. Among these, various forms of Osteopathic Manual Therapy, Relational Group Process and The Movement Arts have all become a part of the work I now share as a practitioner and educator.


I am a licensed healthcare provider in the United States, having studied alongside hundreds of physiotherapists, medical doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors, integrative massage therapists, researchers of human and equine anatomy and world-renowned movement instructors. 

Here are some of the modalities I have studied and now incorporate into my work:


Classical Osteopathy:

Total Body Balancing, Total Body Energetics and Lymphatic Balancing

As taught by Dr. Kerry D’Ambrogio, D.O.M, A.P., P.T., D.O.


CranioSacral Therapy for Pediatrics and Adults


SomatoEmotional Release

Taught by various instructors from The Upledger Institute


Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy 

Taught by Judah Lyons with The Lyons Institute


Zero Balancing

Trained by various instructors under the Zero Balancing Health Association


Visceral Manipulation

Studied the work of Jean-Pierre Barral with instructors through the Barral Institute


FluidUs Method of  Wonder and Movement

(300-hour YTT with Radiantly Alive)

Studied with Carlos Tao, Devon Tao and other instructors through RA Yoga Studio


Equine CranioSacral Therapy

Studied with Dr. Sandra Howlett, founder of "Experience Equus" and instructor with The Canadian Institute of Equine and Canine Body Works


Healing from the Core and Full Body Presence

Taught by author and bodywork practitioner, Suzanne Scurlock-Durana


Resonant Attention

Taught by founder, Stella Osorojos-Eisenstein


Contact Beyond Contact Facilitators Training: Contact Dance and The Healing Arts

Studied with Unity Space and Tara Li


Licensure in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork

Studied with Jane Cannon at Isothermal Community College


Activate Breathwork

Studied with founders Martin McNicholl and Elisangela Paes


Hatha Yoga Teacher Training (200-hour YTT)

Trained with Chandra Yoga International in Dharamsala, India


My work involves a blending of many of the techniques I have learned through my training, yet it is ultimately guided by a unique touch of my own presence and the modalities that I am currently developing and will continue to develop throughout the remainder of my career. Whether I am working one-on-one, with partners, families or groups, the work that flows through me is greatly influenced by the wonderful people I have had the privilege of studying alongside. That being said, the ultimate teachers are my clients and observing their processes of healing and personal growth through this work is what continually influences my approach more than anything. 

    ©2024 BY ZACH EVANS

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