​I am deeply involved in the therapeutic practice and global education of advanced bodywork modalities designed for optimal health and well-being in humans and animals.
While I pay homage to the Osteopathic Tradition in which I was primarily educated as a bodywork therapist, I currently stand at the intersection of a range of modalities from diverse disciplines within the realm of the integrative healing arts.
My work and the techniques I teach foster profound personal growth for my clients and students, while also proficiently supporting the resolution of conditions and symptoms that have eluded numerous other approaches to healing.
The core philosophy behind my work is that the body has the power to heal itself. I am not a “healer”, nor am I here to fix anyone. Rather, I am here to empower you on your path and assist with bringing your self-healing capacities to life. Through the past eight years of clinical practice, I have found that a subtle, well-intentioned, yet non-directive approach is most effective. Your body - your entire system - knows exactly what to do. I am here to listen and facilitate treatment as needed.
Early on in my practice, I learned that relying on specific protocols can be disempowering - and a protocol-dependent approach often puts clients in a box. While I honor well-researched processes created by renowned practitioners and educators, I do not run my clients through a series of treatments that are supposed to have a certain effect. Rather, I listen to each individual body and tailor my approach accordingly.
My background, derived from the philosophy and techniques of Osteopathic Manual Therapy, has taught me a variety of methods for addressing imbalances in the lines of tension that run throughout the body. When left unaddressed, these imbalances and distortions of structural integrity can wreak havoc on the entire system. One of my goals is to take you on a journey through observing your deepest held tension patterns - exploring how they got there and why they’ve stuck around - and to then assist you with releasing the need to hold your body in dysfunctional patterns. We then work together through hands-on work and movement-based therapy to integrate the surrounding tissues. This provides you with the opportunity to empower yourself to relax more fully into a healthier way of relating with life itself.
This work is often experienced as deeply transformational, as it addresses the root causes of various dysfunctions that may have stored in the body for quite some time. My work and derivatives thereof are also often the "missing link" for people who have tried a variety of approaches and have yet to reach the resolution of their healing processes. Please have a look at the section titled "Voices of Clients & Students" for direct words on this dynamic.
I’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to reach out with any questions, requests, or proposals for collaboration.
While I I prefer emails at connect@zach-evans.com, you're welcome to send me a message in the box below.